Reach New Heights with Bongs
Bongs are typically the favoured method of smoking and have been for decades now. If you are an experienced smoker, you would know this is because the bong just hits differently. The high you get from smoking a bong is stronger than if smoking a joint or any other method. Even if you are a beginner, you know not to go straight for the bong, you start with joints. So, while this may be a well-known fact, you may be left wondering why the bong provides a more powerful and instantaneous high. In this blog, we will explore how the bong works, why it’s more powerful and why you should learn how many bong hits it takes to get you high. So, go and grab your bong or if you don’t have one there are plenty of bongs for sale. Here’s how ripping a bong compares to other methods.
Bongs Vs. Pipes
Using a pipe is the second most common method of smoking. Let’s face it, who can be bothered having to roll a joint all the time? However, this is where the similarities between the two methods ends. The primary difference between a bong and a pipe, is that a bong allows you to take a more substantial hit of cannabis all in one breath. Whereas, when smoking through a pipe, in order to get the same effect, it takes several hits. Not only this, you lose smoke as it drifts away.
This is not the only significant difference that makes bongs more powerful. The next variance lies in the filtration systems, and you guessed it, bongs have a much better filtration system compared to pipes. What makes the rip of a bong more enjoyable and powerful is the water diffusers, water chambers, and downstem that cool down the smoke and filter out harsh flavours.
Bongs Vs. Bowls
Bongs win every time. Once again, bongs create a stronger and more pleasant experience in just one hit. As bowls are closely related to pipes, they share many of the same disadvantages.
Bongs are more efficient, allowing you to filter a substantial amount of smoke through a single breath, having an effect almost instantly. Similar to the pipe, with bowls you need to take multiple breaths to get that high feeling you are looking for. On top of this it is likely that it will taste worse, feel hotter and you will be wasting more weed. To sum it up, you will be wasting your money with a bowl. However, if we are looking for positives, bowls are much more convenient and portable. So, if you are trying to be sneaky, perhaps a bowl is the way to go.
Ripping a Bong for Optimal Effects
If you are an experienced and avid smoker you probably already know this but you’d be surprised how many people don’t. Holding in your smoke will not get you higher — myth busted. In fact, by holding in your smoke you are only doing harm to yourself. It is likely to irritate your respiratory system and restrict you from receiving enough oxygen, leaving you feeling dizzy. Thereby, creating the illusion you are higher without having any real effects. It’s pretty simple, inhalse, release, inhale and release.
Know Your Limits
If you are a beginner, your tolerance will be low and it probably won’t take much for you to figure this out. However, everyone has their limits and it’s important to know your tolerance. It doesn’t matter whether your tolerance is high or low, but it does matter that you are aware of where your tolerance is at. Even avid smokers can experience an instantaneous high from one hit of the bong.
How do I figure out my tolerance? The best way is not to go overboard and see if you can handle it. Take small hits incrementally and check in with yourself, honestly, and see how you are feeling.